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Research Summary
Victorian and 18th-century novel; postcolonial studies; restoration and 18th-century literature; history of the novel; cultural studies in music; postcolonial and decolonization studies; literature and medicine; social activism; African literature.
Ph.D. English, University of Calgary; M.A. English, McMaster University; B.Ed., Dalhousie University; B.A. (Hons), Acadia University
Selected Publications & Presentations
-Popular Music Autobiography: The Revolution in Life-Writing by 1960s’ Musicians and Their Descendants, Bloomsbury, 2022.
–Postcolonial George Eliot, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
-The Postcolonial Intellectual: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o in Context, Ashgate/Routledge, 2015/2016.
-Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Twayne, 2000.
-The Clerical Character in George Eliot’s Fiction, ELS, 1991/2018.
Edited Books:
– Woodstock University, Routledge, 2022.
–Popular Music and the Postcolonial, Routledge, 2019/2020.
-Approaches to Teaching the Works of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Preface by Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, MLA Publications, 2012.
-Victorian Social Activists’ Novels (4 vols.), Pickering & Chatto/Routledge, 2011/2016.
-The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot, Broadview, 2007.
Articles and Chapters (selected):
-“The Victorian Guitar: Exoticism and Extinction Discourse from Radcliffe to Wilde.” Music & Letters. Oxford UP. 101.3 (2020): 1-23.
-“Examining George Eliot.” George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies. 71.2 (2019): 143-63.
-“The British Invasion of the Wild West: Country Parody in the Rolling Stones and Other British Bands.” Routledge Companion to Popular Music and Humor. Eds. Thomas Kitts and Nicholas Baxter. Routledge, 2019. 169-76.
-“Worlding Woodstock.” Rock Music Studies 4.3 (2017): 189-206.
-“‘A Cellarful of Boys’: The Swinging Sixties, Autobiography, and the Other Beatle.” Special Issue: Musical Autobiographies. Eds. Martin Butler and Daniel Stein. Popular Music and Society 38.2 (May 2015): 160-75.
-“The Last King of Africa: Representations of Idi Amin in Ugandan Dictatorship Novels.” Unmasking the African Dictator: Essays on Postcolonial African Literature. Ed. Gĩchingiri Ndĩgĩrĩgĩ. U of Tennessee P, 2014. 85-109.
-“George Eliot and Religion.” George Eliot in Context. Ed. Margaret Harris. Cambridge UP, 2013. 238-47.
-“‘The Poor Little Monstrosity’: Ellice Hopkins’ Rose Turquand, Victorian Disability, and Nascent Eugenic Fiction.” Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal 35.3 (2013): 275-96.
-“Disenabling Fame: Rock ‘n’ Recovery Autobiographies as Disability Narrative.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 26.2 (Winter 2011): 297-322.
-“The ‘World’ Before Globalization: Moroccan Elements in The Incredible String Band’s Music.” Popular Music 30.1 (2011): 127-43.
-“Making Use of the Past in Things Fall Apart.” Rpt. of article in Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture. Ed. Harold Bloom. Bloom’s Modern Literary Interpretations: Things Fall Apart. Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2010. 115-39.
-“Victorian Sisterhoods and Female Religious Vocation in Margaret Oliphant’s Novels.” The Victorian Newsletter. Ed. Ward Hellstrom. (Fall 2004): 21-27.
-“Divine Enthusiasm and Love Melancholy: Tristram Shandy and Eighteenth-Century Narratives of Saint Errantry.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 16.3 (April 2004): 373-99.
Selected Grants & Awards
“Postcolonial George Eliot,” UBCO Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant, 2015-16, $5000
“The Victorian Guitar and Extinction Discourse,” UBC SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), 2011, $3000
“The ‘World’ Before Globalization: Shifting Modes of Cultural Production,” UBC,O Internal Grant, 2007-09, $4000
“Religious Sensation: Ellice Hopkins, The White Cross Army, and Rose Turquand,” SSHRC 2007-10, $18,629
“Religious Sensation, Ellice Hopkins, The White Cross Army, and Rose Turquand,” UBC, O Internal Grant 2005-07, $5000
Graduate Supervisions
Angela Froese, MA English, 2016, Independent Research Project (IRP): “Decolonizing
Canada’s ‘Home Children’: Interrogating the Intergenerational Legacy of Trauma in Patricia Skidmore’s Marjorie, Too Afraid to Cry”
Kurosh Amoui Kalareh, IGS MA, 2013, Thesis: “Arabian Knights: Punk Islam and Selected
Works of Michael Muhammad Knight”
Alicia Waters, MA English, 2008, IRP: “Representations of Incest in Nineteenth-Century